Over 200 Travellers Choice (TC) members and preferred suppliers from all reaches of Australia descended on the Gold Coast (GC) for this year’s group Conference held from 10-12 November 2023 at The Star.
Combining Gold Coast inspiration and future Travellers Choice aspirations, this year’s shine-themed Conference featured a return to full programming with interactive workshops, a preferred supplier expo and a raft of speakers, headlined by UK-based customer service visionary Geoff Ramm and emceed by Australian broadcaster and travel presenter Christina Morrissy.
So what happened? Here’s Karryon’s ultimate wrap of all you need to know.
1. First-night fever was a beautiful thing

Officially gold stamping the conference fun factor on Friday evening, the ‘White Sail Away Soirée’, sponsored by The World’s Leading Cruise Lines, saw delegates catch up onboard the two-level luxury superyacht, the YOT Club, as they raucously cruised and partied their way along the GC’s Broadwater all decked out in white.
Despite a very un-GC wild storm coming down as the superyacht disembarked Marina Mirage, the celebratory vibe would not be dampened one bit, with many of the still up-for-it crowd catching first-night fever, kicking on late into the night back on dry land at The Star.
2. A network set to shine

With a future focus on ‘sustainably creating, protecting and returning value’ to existing and new members, TC’s Managing Director Christian Hunter’s opening address on Saturday morning summed up a monumental 2022/23 financial year for the co-op group that saw a $2m profit distributed back to members.
Expressing his pride at seeing significant funds flowing back to members after several years of hardship and turmoil, Hunter said, “I can share that the average rebate payment equated to more than four times the investment in membership fees. A 400 per cent return, how about that?” he said. “But it gets better. When we look at the broader financial value members receive through association with Travellers Choice, not just their rebate cheque, it is far greater. In fact, more than seven times the membership costs.”
Hunter also revealed that despite 40-plus years of operation and multiple recent NTIA successes, the group was perhaps not as well-known as it should be, highlighting its recent significant “Choose Day” trade campaign to recruit new members and grow the network.
“You could almost go as far as saying that we have been the travel industry’s best-kept secret. But that needed to change, and I genuinely feel that we are doing travel agents around Australia a major disservice by not shouting as loudly as possible about how amazing it can truly be under a group arrangement that genuinely cares and is focused purely on you.”
Choose Day hits the mark

Citing the beginning of a new era for the network, Hunter reported that The Choose Day campaign has already proven successful, “reaching hundreds of thousands of eyeballs and with new members welcomed”, many of whom were “experiencing their first immersion into Travellers Choice culture at the Conference.
Anticipating continued demand, Travellers Choice recently appointed highly experienced industry leader Paul Millan to the newly created role of Network Development Manager based in Sydney.
“We know how positive a move to our network can be. We hear it time and time again, and I can guarantee you that we will be hearing it more and more in the months ahead,” said Hunter.
With a 100 per cent recent member satisfaction survey rating and a Net Promoter Score (NPS) increasing from 65 to 83, Hunter said the NPS result was “The icing on the cake, the cherry on top, the ‘piece de resistance’. When you think that a score of above 30 is considered good and 50 is excellent, 83 is nothing short of exceptional.”
Closing his address, Hunter said, “The challenges of the last few years have definitely tested our resolve, but we have weathered the storm (including last night), learnt lots along the way and as much as I hate to say it, I actually think we are better at what we do for the experience. But now we are on the other side; we are fantastically positioned for growth. It is time for Travellers Choice to Shine.”
3. ATIA builds on a new sense of unity and belonging

Australian Travel Industry Association (ATIA) chief Dean Long updated delegates on the state of play in travel and ATIA’s role within it, clarifying the association’s role and recent reform, rebrand and transformation that has extended to the broader travel industry.
“I ask you to engage,” said Long. “Because if you choose not to engage, we cannot represent you as effectively. So, I ask you to engage and ensure that you’re talking to us and telling us what’s happening in your businesses. What are the trends and the issues? Because that allows us to do better.”
Long also said that community and connection would be a significant feature of ATIA’s new strategy, with more events and initiatives planned for 2024 to bring the industry together to network, learn and share their experiences.
Next Saturday evening, a sold-out NTIA (National Travel Industry Awards) will swap Sydney with Melbourne as the host city for the first time in its history. This includes adding an extra Friday night event for 70 award finalists to network casually. Long said the idea was based on finalist feedback last year in wanting more time to connect with their peers less formally outside of the awards.
“So if you’re a top five leisure consultant in the country, how amazing is it to create an opportunity to connect the top five leisure consultants in the country?” Long said.
4. Air capacity rising; fares dipping

In what was welcome news for everyone, Rohan Moss, general manager of consolidation for Helloworld Travel Limited, shared recent Air tickets data that predicted a rise in domestic flight capacity from 97.2 per cent to 98.5 per cent versus 2019 over the next three months, with international capacity tipped to ascend from 89.3 per cent to 92.3 per cent versus 2019 in the same period.
Moss also noted that average domestic fares had fallen to around $560 versus $620 in the last three months, with average international airfares dipping from around $2700 to $2100. However, international fares have been lifted again recently due to fuel hikes, inflationary pressures and the Middle East conflict.
Moss reported that the booking boom in premium cabins is also continuing. As Australia’s highest net worth generation, Boomers (aged 55-64) are still spending more on premium travel, with Air Tickets reporting a 7 per cent total rise across Premium, Business and First bookings in 2023 versus 2019.
Commenting on Air Tickets’ ongoing transformation to servicing agents via NDC, Moss spoke of the industry’s universal frustration at the speed of completion, quoting Travelport’s chief product and tech officer, Tom Kershaw, who reportedly said recently, “Without seamless servicing, NDC is stuck on the tarmac. Unfortunately, NDC-obsessed companies are focusing so heavily on being the first to deliver access to NDC content that they are forgetting the crucial post-booking servicing aspect that agents and travellers need.”
5. How to create ‘Celebrity Service’
What number out of 10 would you rate yourself for customer service? 2, 3, 7, or 10? The average, apparently, is 7 or 8.
Larger than life, customer service guru Geoff Ramm from the UK blew the PA system and a few eardrums with his high-energy, inspirational and often deeply personal keynote and workshop session on creating celebrity service to achieve a rating of ten and beyond.
Ramm asked the crowd, “What if your next potential customer called, emailed, tweeted, or walked into your business and they were an A-list celebrity Hollywood god or goddess? What would you say? How would you react?”
For an A-list celebrity, Ramm says, “You’d probably give them anything they wanted and your absolute best of the best service.” But what about everyone else?
“What difference in service levels could you give them that you are not giving every single customer now?” The answer, Ramm says, is to give them ‘Celebrity service’.

Firstly, start by simply complimenting people and creating and selling excitement, Ramm said. Spot the opportunity to communicate with your clients personally rather than responding with an impersonal email by waiting ten minutes or so and then calling.
What about sending an instant video message from your smartphone to a client with your energy, enthusiasm, and passion for travel and what you do as an expert? No logos or professionally shot videos. Just authentic you, sharing your passion.
Send handwritten messages and postcards to clients departing on or returning from holidays. Most companies don’t bother anymore because it’s easier to email.
In a world of commoditised technology, highly personalised service wins every time. Are people talking about you? If they are, that’s celebrity service. Because you and your team are the celebrities.
Celebrity Service says Ramm is the gap between a 7 or 8 and a 9 or 10.
“It’s a choice. Choose well,” says Ramm.
6. Tough choices for award winners

A ‘galaxy of stars’ glamorously frocked up in hot hues and suave and sparkly things to shine brightly and honour Travellers Choice’s high achievers at the Gala Awards night on Saturday evening, with the network’s first Gold, Silver and Bronze Choice Awards unveiled.
With the program’s return this year following a four-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the group have reworked the prize structure to enable Choice Award winners to choose their desired trip. As a result, the top 30 members will get to choose to explore Vietnam, New Zealand or the Maldives as their prize.
Globus Family of Brands (GFOB) took out the highly coveted Supplier for the Year award for 2023, with Travellers Choice service and leading agency awards also handed out on the night.
For all the award winners, click here.

7. Step aside, Liam and Noel Gallagher

Closing the Conference with a rockstar difference, MD Hunter bravely took to the stage with a guitar to channel his best Liam Gallagher and sing a TC version of Oasis’ classic anthem ‘Wonderwall’ as a video montage of the weekend played behind him on the big screen.
Adding a pre-performance disclaimer saying, “This could go one of two ways,” mainly because he’d only had ten days to learn the song, Hunter explained that the clever “TC does it all” interpretation of “Wonderwall” was dedicated to new members yet to join the group.
With the lyrics changed to spruik the group’s new recruitment campaign, “Choose Day is gonna be the day that you’re gonna wanna make a move…,” Hunter impressively delivered the tune in key to rapturous applause.
A fitting end to echo the Travellers Choice member mantra of being part of “A place with soul.”
Fair play, Christian.
Will we be able to listen to it on Spotify anytime soon? Definitely Maybe.
8. And the winning destination for next year’s Conference is…
Drum roll, please.
Ta-da! The 2024 Travellers Choice Conference will be held in Sydney from 1-3 November, with the venue to be confirmed. It’ll be the first time since 2000 that the group has held their Conference in the harbour city.
For more information on Travellers Choice, head to: www.travellerschoice.com.au